Strengthening the capacity of Marginalized and Minority leaders into constitutional and electoral processes
When you capacitate excluded groups they might have the opportunities to united and lobby for their rights in decision making processes.
Help Right Achieve Real Pro
MCAN Mission
OUR MISSION To promote, advocate and foster social, economical and political transformations amongst the vulnerable groups of the marginalized and minority communities in Somalia, in particular youth, children, women, etc. towards protection, poverty reduction and economic development and inclusive political participation
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Enhancing public debate for youth/ women from Minority/Marginalized groups
Enhancing effective discussion and participation of Marginalized and Minority groups in electoral processes.
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Public Dialogue exclusion impact
the meeting was open discussion session the focused the role of women and marginalized and minority groups in public and decision making processes the role of CSOs in current election.
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Our Vision
Socially, economically and politically empowered society free from all forms of disparity and discriminations
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Help Right People to achieve Real Progress

Help us MCAN to fulfill your obligation to that your contributions could help more of vulnerable communities with in Somalia MCAN puts high consideration and ensures your donation reach to the right people. 


Empowering minority communities

MCAN’s key areas of competency focuses on minority and marginalized communities’ right to peace, right to sustainable livelihood and development

Eradication of marginalization culture

To respond to the eradication of marginalization culture within the Somali societies, protect and promote the fundamental and constitutional rights

events & Activities


Trusted by the biggest nonprofits

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