Help Right People to achieve Real Progress
Help us MCAN to fulfill your obligation to that your contributions could help more of vulnerable communities with in Somalia MCAN puts high consideration and ensures your donation reach to the right people.
Empowering minority communities
MCAN’s key areas of competency focuses on minority and marginalized communities’ right to peace, right to sustainable livelihood and development
Eradication of marginalization culture
To respond to the eradication of marginalization culture within the Somali societies, protect and promote the fundamental and constitutional rights
events & Activities
Quick- Advert-Short-term Individual Consultant for VRC Training on Beneficiaries’ Selection Criteria
Posted25 Nov 2023 Closing date30 Nov 2023 Background Marginalized Communities Advocacy Network (MCAN) in partnership with Somalia Humanitarian Fund is
Job advert -Title: Project officer Female candidate is Perioritized.
Location: Baidoa, Somalia Job Type: Full time Background and Overview Marginalized Communities Advocacy Network – MCAN is a dynamic and
VRC training for beneficiaries’ selection criteria held in Marka In collaboration and partnership with ACTED.
MCAN in collaboration with ACTED in implement village relief committees training that were benefited over 20 VRC members that were
Trusted by the biggest nonprofits