MCAN health Nutrition intervention in Banadir

MCAN Medical doctors and community health works providing free medical intervention to newly arrived IDPs that are affected the drought at HISA medical center in Deynile and Garasbaley of Mogadishu- the health coverage of MCAN’s weekly based reports of the intervention reaches over 1239 clients with different health and Nutrition consequences- Dr Fatima has confirmed all MCAN’s medical investigation and drugs are free and its for everyone who has a health issues said by Health team leader- as they had confirmed mostly the MCH depends on Dais-pore support and requested all Humanitarian organization to turn their eyes in taking part the response of health and nutrition intervention that MCAN carries to full fill the most vulnerable potion of the communities who can not avoid to go private hospital in Mogadishu due to their income and resource issues- many patient also praised the work of MCAN and its staff to medicate their children and elderly people as well. MCAN leadership also appreciated IDAA for their partnership in delivering Medical equipment and treatments.

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