Strengthening Effective debate and discussion for Marginalized and Minority Groups in Preventing risk and mitigate election related violence.

MCAN/EISA has conducted two days training to Strengthening Effective debate and discussion for Marginalized and Minority Groups in Preventing risk and mitigate election related violence.

the training was meant to articulate current indirect election preparation on how the communities especially Marginalized and Minority groups equip mitigation of violence that relating to elections.

the two days training was benefited 47 participations as Jubaland Authorities were invited for their recommendation in collaboration leaders from excused groups to have better information in all issues related on going process of electoral.

Achieved result of the two days training

  1. Effective skills for discussion and debating imparted among 47 participants that are geared towards enabling them to significantly voice their concerns to prevent risks emanating from electoral violence
  2. Comprehensive involvement of 47 participants /marginalized and minority groups in debating and discussing their involvement and inclusion in electoral process aimed at Mitigating election related violence
  3. We laid down platforms established through series of meetings and and forums that will enable for proper engagement through discussion and debating prevent risk related to electoral violence

impact of the training.

  1. Willingness of the 47 participants particularly marginalized and minority groups to articulate their views and opinions on their inclusion to electoral process through debating skills acquired  on discussions from the training.
  2. High chances of inclusion of the marginalized and minority groups in the electoral process owing to comprehensive engagement using the acquired knowledge and skills on debating and discussions  to avert any related risks to violence  from the electoral process
  3. High level of confidence gained by the 47 training participants particularly the marginalized and minority groups to get out of their cocoons and debated and discuss on their inclusion in the electoral process to prevent risk and violence   

What is main recommended from Participants and Authorities Attended.

  1. There is strong need for convening such similar trainings to outreach a good number of marginalized and minority groups to improve their skills in debating and discussion for their inclusion in political process to vert related risk of violence.
  2. The 47 training participants particularly minority and marginalized groups should keep the momentum gained from the training and utilize the debating and discussions knowledge and skills in any available channels such as forums and meeting for the electoral engagement in order to enable for their inclusion in the process.
  3. The authorities should provide goodwill for inclusion of marginalized and minority groups in the electoral teams  to enable for their comprehensive engagement through debates and discussions

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